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New Paysys report on the interchange fee battle
Interchange fees – the ongoing battle Acquirers win, issuers lose In the ongoing battle for a fair distribution of costs between issuers and acquirers,

Dutch Fintech action plan announced
Dutch Fintech action plan Wopke Hoekstra, Dutch Minister of Finance Connective Payments, 3 July 2020 The Dutch Minister of Finance Wopke Hoekstra has launched the
How merchants underestimate the payments process and leave huge opportunities up for grabs
How merchants underestimate the payments process and leave huge opportunities up for grabs 3 January 2020 – By Chantal de Meere Some time ago I

Are neobanks gaining momentum?
Are neobanks gaining momentum? New Kantar study Research agency Kantar’s latest report “From bricks to clicks: the impact of neobanks so far” investigates the share

Seamless Checkout in Retail
Seamless Checkout in Retail Connective Payments, 19 September 2019 Innovation in the checkout process of physical retail stores has been slow in the Netherlands, or